Monday, August 27, 2007

Decision 2008 ... No choice may be the best choice

Decision 2008, what a choice we will have to make. I am growing increasingly eager to see where this decision will take us in the upcoming year. I am not inclined to say either way which way I may choose However, I have been brushing up on the candidates and I just began to wonder where all the good candidates have gone.... As if we have ever had any ... Then I began to think about how much of a landmark this election could become ... an African American ( if you classify him as such ) lets just say ... Barack and Hillary on the same ticket .... a woman and a confused mixed heritage. Wow... how much has changed since the beginning of my young life ... When I was born, I know we would not have a minority and a woman running for president in a world run by the Anglo Saxons ... I mean you know ... "impure Pure bloods " that is what I will say .... I am inclined to say that I will not be force fed the same lines by everyone ... I am a fundamental christian with christian morals ... even Bush said that and he probably has lead one of the bloodiest non-essential wars of our time .... but the more I grow and see these individuals running a race of popularity with no definite platform that stands out to me .... Oh yeah ... we are running a race of HOPE.... Well that may be true ... but I assure you that hope does not fix the financial woes that this country is facing right now. I can even bet that HOPE will not fix the issues that we are having with the growing violence amongst our youth ... and or the drug problems that seem to constantly invade our neighborhoods .... As a matter of fact .... how much of the same rhetoric ... I am for the people must I hear or digest until I am overrun with the same garbage I take out to the curb... There is no way you can be for the common man when the common man did not come to your $5,000.00 a plate fundraising celebration .... better yet .... I am supposed to love a candidate because they come to my church and preach a sermon ... or refer to my savior in fiery rhetoric to insight a movement amongst the people just because you show up at a civil rights historic site and state how much you love your African American Heritage.
What is the point anymore .... Then I read the papers and see that they are all up to the same old thing .... attacking every one's integrity as if that shows that you have integrity .... Give me a break .... I love to see a person with good morals as much as much as the next man ... but please make a case for issues that are pressing in our communities ... etc. etc. We can start as small as setting up judicial committees to look into the robbing of our own .... through the current tax system or even look into the illegal lending tactics that has cause the crisis with mortgage lending etc. But please look at the issues and not just being popular .... anyone can smile and go to church with a rehearsed speech and make it look as if we mean what we say....
Just a thought .... only a thought
Young William
IF we have a voice ... why not express that which we believe.....

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